Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thursday 11/13

Wednesday 11/12

Interesting... it only turns my pictures that i edited into a screwy mix of colors.

Tuesday... From LAST week.

I dont' know what's going on, but all my pictures are screwed up. Enjoy the techno colors!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday - Back to Basics... hopefully

Not eating much today was a breeze because I currently have $50 worth of beef painted to the insides of my stomach. Still, candy will be the death of me and I MUST remember to bring gum to work tomorrow to 'snack' on.





Sunday 11/9: KOREAN BBQ!!!

Today was most definitely the WORST day of Food for Fatties!

I don't remember ANY vegi's or fruit today. Dinner was a protien death and I enjoyed it WAY too much. We traveled an easy 40 minutes down to Sunnyvale to the Palace of MEAT and enjoyed a 2 hr session of Kalbi Beef cooking. The price of dinner was $30 but I guarantee you that I ate at least $50 worth.

At least I ran a couple miles when I got home that night...



I was too busy stuffing my face and cooking to take pictures. Here are 2 pics repeated a couple times.

Saturday 11/8

*NOTE: There was much more food eaten on this day BUT since I suck, I KNOWINGLY 'forgot' to take pictures.

Anther Food Trap: My friends stayed over and they wanted to sample good food from my area.

-My brother came back from SoCal for the weekend= celebratory dinners and
treats from my parents.



Friday 11/7

What happened to all my efforts to at healthY? It's like I'm making NO effort to avoid the candy and the sweet things. I find myself eating things before I even think about what it is. I'm no longer factoring in whether or not the product will help give me energy or if it'll benefit my body later on.

I am eating with my eyes and stomach and NOT my head!

Breakfast: (Look! I didn't take a picture of my toast and PB unti it was almost ALL gone)

Lunch: (Dam Mr. Springer and his bag o' candy... haha jk)


Going out to eat with friends means I eat more unhealthy.

I blame Ben on this one! haha! ;)

Thursday 11/6

It is sooo hard to not eat everything I see when I get home! Basically, the whole ride home, I'm speeding just to get to food faster... The thing is, is that I'm not even starving myself or anything.

I need to drink more water and gum to make me feel fuller.




Wednesday 11/5 .... OOPS!

I officially suck at this project. UGH, I'm not only slacking... I'm SNACKIN'!

Dammit. Oh, and it gets worse, you'll see.


Lunch: (dammit free pizza at work)


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Basketball Night

Tuesday is the night when I head over to Concord for 3 hours of intense balling. I dribble, drive, hesitate, penitrate, elevate and DOMINATE! But because I know I'm going to be exerting a lot of energy I let myself eat more throughout the day. Whether or not I need (or deserve) all the extra calories is unknown...

ALSO, free food at work (fried chicken) is super hard to resist. Don't be fooled by the tasty goodness that tempts your weak nostrils. FIGHT IT. Today, however, I could not...




Crap! There is NO green in today's diet. Ugh.

YAY OBAMA! The NEW President of the United States! I'm looking for change NOW!

Back to Work

It's the beginning of the week, which means I get to start over and return to a more steady, strict 'diet'.

At this time, I'm feeling pretty bloated from the weekend's festivities. Eating all the processed, oily foods really did a number on me when I'm used to eating 'healthier' meals during the week. It's time to cleanse the system and get back to my routine!


Lunch: (still craving halloween candy)

Dinner: (grrr... fatty shrimp tempura!!! BUT SOOO GOOD)

Sunday - Eating OUT

This week has been great. I went through just about every challenge and obstacle that can pop up in the eating world.

1. Friday binging
2. No food in stock
3. Birthday celebration
4. Late night dinners

and now....

5. Eating out

Sunday, I celebrated my friends birthday and of course we ended up going to PF Changs, a place where you eat family style. Family style means you take a little from this plate, take a little from that plate and repeat until all the food is gone. I find family style particularly difficult because I eat faster than other (the girls) therefore I'm forced to sit there looking at all the food left over in the middle of the table.

It's a free-for-all and the food is calling my name. It's truly tough.

Then there's the celebratory birthday cake. And you know how that goes...

Breakfast: (Also tough because I ate the fatty leftover foods from Saturday's party)


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dad's Bday, My Bday & Auntie Tami's Bday

Wow. The week is tanking fast. Here's some things that I've learned:

1. Partys/celebrations are killers.

Too much finger foods/appetizers. I ended up going back to the appetizer platters numerous times. And haven't you noticed that appetizers are always the WORST foods for you?! Chips, fatty dips, loads of bread, candy, sugary sweets...

2. Crowds present self consciousness.

On one hand, it was nice to share my plans and goal of this 'project' with family members. On the other hand, I felt self conscientious and dorky for taking pictures. This lead me to almost forget to take pictures and just eat whatever I felt like.

3. I copy others.

Because it's a party and celebration, I wanted to fit in and have a good time like everyone else. Everyone else is eating whatever they want and however much they want... Well, in turn, so did I...

Breakfast/Lunch (I woke up at 12:30pm! haha):


This part of today's blog is probably very unaccurate. I ate A LOT of chi-chi mochi (the orange stuff) and also a lot of breaded appetizers... ugh.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


My Gosh... It's friday AND it's Halloween. It could not be any worse for me....

Picture Update tomorrow.



Dinner/Dessert/Trick or Treating:

Lesson: Halloween is deadly but not as deadly as the end of a week binge. After a hard fought battle all week, I just wanted to gorge on everything. There were a couple of times where I already had the food in my mouth before I remember I needed to take a picture!

We'll see how the weekend goes.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Keep Your House Stocked w/ GOOD Food

So, I ended up not having anything decent to eat at home (cuz I ate EVERYTHING!) so I had to make a trip to Safeway during work to scrounge for my lunch. This is a good thing and a bad thing. There were so many options and I was so tempted to grab the quick, easy sandwiches or even the ribs or chicken... but I knew I came for a salad and maybe some fruit.

I love Safeway salads. They're big, tasty and full of goodness. Careful with the DRESSING!




*Not Pictured: 1 Frozen Banana and Glass of Milk (12:20am - My after basketball snack)


Posted late because I went to the Warriors/Hornets game last night!!! Although the W's lost, it was an overall good time. CP3 is crazy fast and has super super mad handles. I would loved to have seen last nights game from the 6th row.... but nosebleeds are ALWAYS fun.



Unfortunately, I ate this fine meal at 11:00pm because I was at the W's game...


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Change is Coming

So, after only ONE day of recording my meals, I'm already having thoughts of changing my diet. I see that I'm a heavy eater after I get home from work. I should be eating much more during breakfast and lunchtime at work so that I'll have more energy to burn.

I'm also noticing that the recordings is making me want to eat less. I've been skipping on some snacking because it's too much of a hassle to take another picture!





Monday, October 27, 2008

First Day of the Week

Monday sets the tone for the entire week. Start STRONG!



